Community Call: December 13, 12:00 PM EST

Community Call: December 13, 12:00 EST

The next Wormhole Community Call will be scheduled for December 13, at noon (12:00 PM) Eastern Standard Time. That’s 5:00 PM UTC, so be sure to double check your own calendar when entering it manually into your calendar.

@blockworksresearch and GFX Labs will host.

The agenda will be to discuss code of conduct, some educational updates from WH contributors, further brainstorming over how to leverage the well-networked delegate pool for WH protocol expansion and adoption, and updates on Multigov.

Please make sure you come, since it’s the last community call of 2024!

Wormhole Community Call
Friday, December 13 · 12:00 – 1:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: (US) +1 402-762-0195 PIN: 568 288 897 #

More phone numbers:

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Im new to the Governance side of this project. Very interested in listening, learning and participating.

Is this meeting open to everyone to listen in?

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Yes! It’s open to the public, and anyone is welcome to attend.

Here is the community call recording for anyone that missed it:

I appreciate everyone coming out and meeting. Even though a lot of us were unable to attend, it’s great hearing familiar voices keeping up with the project and ensuring the momentum is going forward.

I think the most important topic discussed, which is most crucial for the DAO’s success; DELEGATOR PARTICPATION !!! Can we start a thread in the forum for anyone that is actually coming here (maybe pin it in the Discord) to give some suggestions and opinions on how to get more paricipation in the Forums? If we start now, we might see some participation in the Forum discussion in a month or two, the on Community Calls by mid Q1. Hopefully at the launch of Multi-Gov we will have many more voices participating in everything Wormhole.

I have a few ideas to increase participation, but Id like to share in the thread suggested.

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