Watercup.eth Delegate Platform

Delegate Name: watercup.eth

Delegate Address: 0xDA85d62Fb85CD47aB8Ca4Da75840BB53931e9647

Forum Handle(s): watercup.eth

Alternate Means Of Contact: @0xwatercup on Twitter

About: Intel Analyst, Quiet Observer, and Serial Round-tripper

Experience: I’ve worked in crypto full-time for the last three years, and have a background primarily in governance, DeFi, and Cosmos. I previously worked as an ecosystem and governance lead at a Cosmos DeFi protocol (where I became obsessed with interoperability) before transitioning into a governance specialist role, which involved actively monitoring proposals from discussion through execution for hundreds of projects, primarily within the Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos ecosystems. I currently work as an Intel Analyst and actively track ecosystem-wide events on a daily basis.

I’ve been an active crypto user for several years!

Delegate Platform or Philosophy:

  • Security first, always
  • Protocol users > token holders
  • Financial sustainability

I try to keep an open mind and will always do my best to represent my delegates’ interests.

Conflicts of Interest: I currently work for Messari.

Policy for Handling Conflicts of Interest When They Arise: I will abstain from voting on any proposals that will directly benefit my employer and disclose any new conflicts of interest if they arise.

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